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Student Release!
September 13, 2021
Interactive Dreams
Hello everyone! In case someone has been following updates for The Wandering , we're proud to announce the game's reached its final build as a student project! There may be some bugs here and there or...
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Beta testing
August 16, 2021
Interactive Dreams
Hello there! I don't know who might be reading these dev logs, but we want to announce that the "beta testing" will now begin. You can download the file for Windows and Mac on the website (and also at...
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Testing for Alpha begins
May 29, 2021
Interactive Dreams
#thewandering, #testing
Hello everyone! If you've been following the release so far we'll be testing constantly the game from this point onwards. The testing document and form is in Spanish for the moment, but the game's in...
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Sophie is taking too long to be ready
May 29, 2021
Yael Enriquez
For the last month I've been focusing on finishing all the characters. I'm getting pretty close since all is left is painting rigging and animating but here was a particular challenge I had, Sophie. S...
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Gameplay and UI
April 26, 2021
Interactive Dreams
#Game Design, #Gifs
Welcome back to another devlog. We've been kinda silent for a few weeks, but we've recently been making progress on the game. Last time I wrote about The Wandering , I'm not even sure that was the gam...
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Zaid, retopology and paint.
April 15, 2021
Yael Enriquez
#Character, #Paint, #Retopology
Hi, It's Enceya here. Today I want to talk about what I did after finishing the base mesh in Zbrush and how I gave it some color so we could play with the model in the game's prototype. After finishin...
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Writing for the game
February 08, 2021
Interactive Dreams
#devlog, #writing
Hi! Welcome to another devlog for The Wandering. First things first, the entries will now be written in English, since our aim is to have everything published in English for better visibility. Having...
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La creación del primer personaje en 3D.
February 02, 2021
Yael Enriquez
Hola!, yo soy Yael pero mi alias es Enceya. Esta es mi primera entrada de blog para el proyecto en conjunto que estoy trabajando como tesis y me voy a encargar en su mayoría del aspecto visual del ju...
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¿Qué es The Wandering?
January 25, 2021
Interactive Dreams
#devlog, #game design
En este primer post del Devlog para The Wandering la idea será explicar a rasgos generales de lo que trata el proyecto y las decisiones de diseño detrás. El videojuego está siendo desarrollado co...
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